Me, My Camera, And The Beautiful Outdoors

Humble Beginnings, The Birth Of My Landscape Photography Journey

Realising My Passion For Photography And The Great Outdoors

Hi, I’m Simon. For me, it all began in my teenage years. I discovered my passion for the outdoors early on in life, and I’ve carried it with me ever since. To me, the outdoors is an escape from the stresses and strains of day-to-day life. It is a chance to interact with and admire the beauty of the great outdoors. My first ever proper hike was Yr Wyddfa, back then better known as Snowdon in Eryri National Park, Wales. I remember being in awe throughout the hike, overwhelmed by the breathtaking views in all directions. Little did I realise this would fuel the fire of a lifetime. I had developed a passion for the outdoors, and I needed more. Almost immediately after my first real experience in the mountains, I purchased my first-ever DSLR, a Canon 1000D. Nothing too expensive, certainly not by today’s standards, but it was for me back then. I was obsessed with it. I would take it out with me at every given opportunity. I hadn’t had any tutorials. Everything I had learnt was self-taught from trial and error.

Fast forward a few years, I had just started university, studying Business Studies. During my first semester, I received my student bursary, and I knew what I wanted to do with it. I went to Jessops and purchased my second-ever DSLR, a Canon 7D. The 7D was a significant investment for me. However, I didn’t care. I was so happy to have my dream camera. I remember thinking that the journey home took forever. I just wanted to get home quickly and unbox my new camera. In my eyes, I had an incredible bit of kit, and I was ready to begin capturing my experiences outdoors. I could not wait. At this point, my passions for hiking and photography merged, and I have never looked back since. My trusty 7D accompanied me everywhere I went and captured countless memorable photographs until its retirement a few years ago. Don’t worry! I still have the camera to this day. There’s something sentimental about us photographers. I could never bring myself to sell it!

I now use a Canon 5D MK4. My 5D MK4 is my workhorse, and I love it to bits. My love for the outdoors is as strong as ever. I have gone through the motions of photography, the passion, the frustration, the creative block. We all have. Each experience has made me stronger along the way, and I feel that my photography has benefited. I still have a lot to learn. However, I’m excited to develop as a photographer and continue to hone my creative identity. I have a strong affection for the English Lake District. You will probably notice a significant percentage of photographs in my gallery are taken in and around the Lake District National Park. There’s something about the Lake District, the sheer beauty and miles upon miles of stunning scenery. There’s also the weather. Only in the Lakes can the weather be so dynamic, and I wouldn’t want it any other way! With that said, welcome to my landscape photography journey!


STILL OUTDOORS is the culmination of my passions, my love of photography and the great outdoors. There isn’t a day that goes by where I am not admiring the beauty of the outdoors. I knew this was a significant consideration and formed the foundations for the initial brainstorming of potential brand names. In the early development stages, I had around 20 keywords written down, all featuring a connection to my passions. Eventually, I whittled down the keywords until I formed a shortlist. One name stood out, a clear winner. It contained everything I wanted to portray – STILL OUTDOORS. Still, being a play on words, in the photographic sense – a still being a frame or photograph, and the literal sense, of me always being outdoors.

Still Outdoors logo.

My Goal Is To Inspire Future Generations of Outdoor Photographers

My ambition is to be the best me I can be. I am forever committed to self-improvement. I will continue to explore the outdoors and interact with nature for as long as I can physically. With every journey, I hope to leave with new experiences and continue to hone my creative identity. I will also be making a much greater effort to step outside of my comfort zone and explore further afield areas unknown to me. Ultimately, I hope to inspire as many people as possible to discover the beauty of the outdoors so that they can admire how precious our green space truly is.

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Join me on my landscape photography journey! Check out my social media for exciting content, location tips, and technical advice. Follow me and help support my goal of promoting the beauty of the great outdoors.